Your Daily Five is personalised according to your interests. Here's how to update your profile preferences in the Spacecubed Platform to see content that interests you.
1. Log into the Spacecubed Platform at with your login details.
2. On the left-hand side navigation bar click on the 'User Profile' icon
3. This will take you to your account profile setting page where you can scroll down to see sections for Skills and Interests as below.
4. Click the space that says 'Add new tag' and a list of interests will appear that you can click on to add to your profile. You can add as many interests as you like and if you need to remove one you can do so by clicking on the 'x' on the right-hand side of the interest tag.
5. Once you have chosen all of your Interests you can click the 'Update details' button at the bottom of the page and then your profile will be updated.