How to Cancel my meeting room booking?

This article will explain how to cancel a meeting room booking.

  1. Click the Meeting Room " Manage" button, top right of the dashboard
    booking management 
    Or Click on the "Meeting Rooms" icon on the right hand side Menu
  2. The dashboard will display a comprehensive list of your upcoming bookings, categorised by Today, Tomorrow, and Future bookings.
  3. To access a more detailed view, click on the booking you would like to modify. You will find options to cancel or reschedule your booking, as long as the start time of the booking has not yet passed.
  4. To cancel your booking, simply click on "Cancel Booking." If you would like to change the timing, click on "Reschedule Booking."

    Note: Once the the start time of the booking has passed, you won't be able to modify it. If necessary, get in touch with the space admins or the people at the front desk